Buyers use different ruses to wring free credit out of their suppliers 买主们千方百计想从供货商那儿无息赊购。
He turned away to wring out the wet shirt 他走开去把湿衬衫拧干。
Soak a small towel in the liquid, wring it out, then apply to the abdomen. 将一块小毛巾浸在液体中,拧干后敷在腹部。
Wring out your wet clothes. 把你的湿衣服拧干。
Thinking inside the same old familiar box would prompt the question, "how can we wring more cash out of current Internet users?" 如果他固守在过去的盒子里,他就会想:“我们怎样能从现有的互联网用户身上挤出更多现金?”
In the struggle to wring overcapacity out of the European auto industry, the biggest obstacles have been labor unions that block plant closings and the politicians who support them. 要想摆脱欧洲汽车业产能过剩的局面,最大的障碍就是各种工会,以及在工会背后支持他们的政客。
The priest shall bring it to the altar, wring off the head and burn it on the altar; its blood shall be drained out on the side of the altar. 祭司要把鸟拿到坛前,揪下头来,把鸟烧在坛上,鸟的血要流在坛的旁边。
E have to get ahead of the inevitable transition issues and wring them out. 我们提前预见不可避免的过渡问题,并解决它们。
Soak a t-shirt in the sink, wring it out, put it on and sit in a chair that lets air through to you in front of a fan. 将T恤浸泡在水中,拧干后穿在身上,坐在能透风的椅子上吹风扇。
In the first countries-Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam-he had to wring his clothes out seven or eight times a day because of the sweat. 在马来西亚、泰国、越南时,陈冠明每天得多次拧干他汗湿的衣服。
The film is guaranteed to wring tears out of those who enjoy a gooey romance. 这部影片肯定会使那些喜欢多情浪漫的人落泪。
Wring the water out of the cloth. 把水从布料中绞出来。
Which is perhaps the last admission that life has to wring out of us. 这或许是生命必须向我们索取的最后一张入场券。
Sooner or later, they will wring the truth out of the prisoner. 我们迟早是会从囚犯口里逼出真情的。
To prosper, ranchers must wring more dollars out of their land. 农场主要想兴旺发达,就必须从地里榨取更多美元。
Earlier this year Pyongyang sought to wring increased rent and wages out of the city of Kaesong, where South Korea invests, to an extent that Seoul said the investment was no longer commercially viable. 今年早些时候,平壤寻求在韩国企业投资建厂的开城工业区提高租金和薪酬水平,其开口要求的升幅之大,使得首尔方面表示,这些投资不再具有商业上的可行性。
She has a few garments to wring out and hang on the line. 她有几件衣服要拧干晾在绳上。
This is definitely not the way things are done presently, where operators try to wring what they can out of users for every little extra they tag on. 这与目前的做法截然不同,现在的运营商都想方设法地用每一项附加服务盘剥用户。
They managed to wring a promise out of her. 他们多方设法挤兑她应允了。
Some 18 months later, victims groups managed to wring a settlement of between 60 to 70 per cent out of the banks. 大约18个月后,迷你债券苦主联盟成功迫使银行给出了返还60%至70%本金的和解方案。
Remember to wring your swimsuit out after you swim. 记住游泳过后要把游泳衣拧干。
Put simply: we want developers to have the knowledge necessary to really wring out every last ounce of productivity from this IDE. 简单来说:我们想开发人员具备真正地发挥来自该IDE的所有生产所需知识。
Sun has successively failed to wring out savings over 10 successive restructuring plans. 在连续10次重组计划中,Sun均未能节省下成本。
Once inflation gets out of control it will be harder to wring out of the system. 一旦通胀失去控制就很难扭转乾坤了。
So all those moments of inspired direction that wring bursts of applause for their unexpected boldness actually represent decisions taken out of desperation. 因此,所有这些时刻启发的方向连发扫射,扭的掌声的意外气魄是出于绝望而作出的决定。
Restructuring expertise and the ability to wring cash out of challenging balance sheets will come in handy indeed. 结构重组方面的专门知识,以及在富有挑战性的资产负债表中挤出现金的能力,肯定将会派上用场。
Wring the water out of your wet bathing costume. 把你的游泳衣里的水拧出去。
I'll just wring out this jumper and hang it up. 我只需把这件套衫拧干挂起来。
As the economies of emerging markets boom and their biggest conglomerates grow into multinationals, more and more of the new corporate giants in countries ranging from India to China, Russia and Brazil are looking to wring greater profits out of their respective industries. 随着新兴市场经济体的繁荣,及其规模最大的集团企业发展成为跨国企业,从印度到中国,从俄罗斯到巴西,越来越多的新企业巨头希望从各自的行业中谋取更大的利润。